Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Executive 2006/07

Welcome to the Homepage of the UBC Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Students Association

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Congratulations to the New CNERS SA Executive of 2006-2007 who were elected at the AGM, Wednesday, March 15, 2006 (Beware the Ides). The New Executive is as follows:

President: Valerie Warner

Vice-President External: Thomas Greiner

Vice-President Internal: Don Carlo Goduto

Treasurer: Tanya Christiansen

Secretary: Jessie Wagner

AUS Representative: Brendan Casidy

General Officers: John Blattler

A big 'Thank You' to all out-going and graduating executive members for their participation and keen dedication: Robert McCutcheon, James Stevenson, Katie MacAllister, Laura Ludtke, Meredith Beales, Jacqueline Young, and Jennifer Pringle.