Monday, September 18, 2006

September Events

Welcome to the Homepage of the UBC Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Students Association

UBC Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies Students' Association:
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Coming up in the next few weeks, there are number events relating to our areas of interest:

Friday, 15 September 2006
John Camp (Randolph-Macon College) - departmental lecture
The Temple of Artemis at Brauron
3:30-5:00 pm
Anthropology & Sociology Building, 6303 North West Marine Drive
Room 203
Saturday, 16 September 2006
John Camp, (Randolph-Macon College) - Vancouver Institute lecture
Old and New in the Agora of Athens, Birthplace of Democracy” -- A special lecture to mark the centenary of Homer Thompson’s birth.
8:15 pm
Woodward Instructional Resources Centre (IRC), 2194 Health Sciences Mall
Lecture hall 2

Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Paritalia Series
R. J. A. Wilson (CNERS)
Animals for the Arena: The Roman Wild Beast Trade
UBC Robson Square
RSVP (by e-mail, or by telephone: 604-688-0809, ext. 32) is required for
attendance at receptions that will follow at the Istituto Italiano di
Cultura (suite 500-510 W. Hastings St.).

Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Stephen P. Harvey (Chicago) - AIA lecture
The Complex of Ahmose I at Abydos: Tribute to a Conquering King
7:30 pm
Frederick Lasserre Building, 6333 Memorial Road
Room 102

A Meet the Prof. Tea and general meeting will be held on Monday September 25 at a time and place to be announced. There will be free tea and
refreshments, so everyone should come out! (This means you).

We will be selling memberships at this event as well as during Club Days running from Sept. 20 to Sept. 22. So if you are interested in joining us
or have any questions come out to one or both of these events! We can be reached at CNERS_SA(at)hotmail(dot)com or at our blogspot We hope to hear from you soon!