Tuesday, September 14, 2004

CNERS SA Executive 2004-2005

Welcome to the Homepage of the UBC Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Students Association

UBC Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies Students' Association:
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.president. (.imperator.)
Laura E. Ludtke
: Honours Classical Studies

3rd Year Faculty of Arts Student
Biography: Laura inherited leadership of the small kingdom of CNERS at a very young age from a frail and dying monarch. The power of the realm was corrupt and slowly crumbling, and its citizens were morally loose and generally apathetic. In order to impose her new order, Laura has enlisted the rest of the CNERS executive to impose a new moral order based on a traditional mythology by alluding to the Classics Club days of old (the 1915-ish era). With massive rounds of poster propaganda, she is slowly but surely regaining the interest of her public.
Although she came from a small provincial town, Laura continues to rule CNERS with an iron fist without appearing to have any power at all. This is due to the fact that she allows her Praetorian Prefect to live under the delusion that she is his puppet Imperator. Her strict moral reforms do not allow for bribing, or squandering of public funds by any means, nor do they allow for the penetration of adult male citizens (this means you, back off!). Adultery is punishable by death and death alone.
Laura enjoys taking in the occasional classical play, reading ancient literature, walking along the ocean side and meditating for hours at a time. She would like to remind everyone that she's not God, nor is she dating Rob.If you have any questions in regards to her rule, or about her new moral reforms (it behoves her to save CNERS from apathy), feel free to contact her.

.vice-president internal. (.pro-consul.)
John Blatter
Specialization: Classical Studies and English
4th Year Faculty of Arts Student

.vice-president externatl. (.pro-consul.)
Meredith Beales
Specialization: Major in English, Minor in Classical Studies
3rd Year Faculty of Arts Student

.treasurer. (.praetorian prefect.)
Rob McCutcheon
Specialization: Classics
3rd Year Faculty of Arts Student
Biography: Robert successfully engineered a daring and bloody coup of the left leaning pervious regime with the reported aid of CIA and now runs the financial accounts of pseudo-democratic CNERS with open corruption and wonderful decadence due to his iron fisted control of oil revenue. He now runs the club as Treasurer through the American backed, puppet president Laura Ludtke because of the copious amount of lascivious blackmail material he has amassed on her. His turn-ons include a sense of humor, horse back riding and bribes. Willing to abuse power and responsibility of his club position if offer is good. Contact if interested.

.general officers. (.senators.)
Jackie Hubert
Specialization: Honours Classical Archaeology.
4th Year Faculty of Arts

James Stevenson
Specialization: Honours English, Minor in Religion, Literature and the Arts
2nd Year Faculty of Arts

.aus representative. (.propraetor.)
Paige Gibson
Specialization: Classical Studies
4th Year Faculty of Arts

To contact any of the executive, simply e-mail us at: