Welcome to the Homepage of the UBC Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Students Association
UBC Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies Students' Association:[Home] [About Us] [Grad Photos] [Executive]
The UBC Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies Students Association ( CNERS SA) is a group of students, both graduate and undergraduate, that share a common interest in Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies. Members are not necessarily students from the CNERS department, or even from the Faculty of Arts. The group has for a goal to create and represent a community interested in the influence of the ancient world on modern society.
This website is a means to make available to students extra information about CNERS SA events and to facilitate discussion amongst members.
During the 2003-2004 Academic term, CNERS SA hosted a successful Valentine’s Day BEER Garden, a sushi- pottery night, an Indiana Jones movie night (co-hosted with ANSO), and several lunch hour lectures featuring grads, undergrads and professors alike on a wide range of topics. This year promises to be just as interesting an exciting. We are planning another BZZR garden, a production of a Classical play, a show debate, a meet your professor pub night, a day trip to the Royal BC Museum, and more traditional lunch hour lectures.
How to join: buy a membership —$10 for AMS members (all students)— $15 for associate memberships (faculty and non-students)! Come to meetings! Join the executive if you want to get involved in the planning and running of events! Attend lectures (or even give one)! Enjoy our monthly special events!
For more information, please contact us by e-mail at: cners_sa (at) hotmail (dot) com. More information cal also be found on the departmental website: www.cnrs.ubc.ca . And, as always, feel free to drop by the departmental office in Buchanan C on the second floor. The bulletin board outside the lounge (across the hall) features a variety of posters and information about CNERS SA events.